If you've been following us, Komuniti Tukang Jahit, long enough - you'd know that beyond our mission to empower B40 women through sewing - we also have a
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If you've been following us, Komuniti Tukang Jahit, long enough - you'd know that beyond our mission to empower B40 women through sewing - we also have a
What Is A Social Enterprise?If you're here, you're probably wondering what is a social enterprise and they differ from a non-governmental organization (NGOs)? Well, you've come to the
SEMANGAT sukarelawan dan membantu golongan memerlukan amat murni dan sering diberi perhatian semua golongan masyarakat. Pada peringkat sekolah dan institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT), pelajar sering didedahkan aktiviti berkenaan.
KUALA LUMPUR: The scarcity of face mask supplies in the country has prompted non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and local social enterprises to team up to help the community tackle
We want to tell these entrepreneurs that even if their objective is to do social and environmental good, they still must operate like a for-profit business. - DzuleiraDzuleira
PETALING JAYA, July 20 — It will be a little bit different for students this time around when schools eventually do reopen fully. Some students, especially those from underprivileged
NGOs create cloth face masks to help those in need. Komuniti Tukang Jahit (KTJ), Persatuan Kebajikan Suara Kanak-Kanak Malaysia (SUKA Society) and Caremongering Malaysia Community (CMC) have joined
Bakti geng suri rumah STATUS sebagai suri rumah bukan halangan buat empat ahli Komuniti Tukang Jahit (KTJ) mengerah keringat menghasilkan alat pelindung muka untuk digunakan petugas kesihatan di