Our Story

Komuniti Tukang Jahit provides upskill sewing training and job opportunities to home-makers, giving them the opportunity to secure a stable income while being fully committed to the household responsibilities.

Our solution is targeted towards helping the development of women in general and women of the household. Women who are situated at home with responsibilities, but wishes to earn a side income for the family.

Most housewives, single women or single moms are situated at home because of family commitments, therefore they are unable to commit to a full-time job or hold a part-time job because of its fixed working hours. Hence, earning any form of income becomes difficult for them.

From our interaction with our members, we discovered how each and every one of them needs assistance from many aspects; be it financial, educational, skill-development or just by guiding them to the right direction. And how appropriate is the saying that goes …. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” This adage is aligned with the mission of KTJ. We have been training women of the community to sew basic corporate gifts and clothing and they are able to produce commercial standard items that are being ordered by corporate clients.

We believe that providing tailors with the right tools and machineries is the first step to helping them uplift their lives, however without the business acumen of finding orders, tailors can be very discouraged with insufficient incoming orders. This is where KTJ comes into the equation as we realize the importance of running a sustainable business, hence the team created a holistic cycle to enable the women in the community to have a secure and stable income over a longer period of time.

Want to know more about our programs, vision and mission; and how KTJ aims to help empower women through sewing? Contact us at [email protected].

Accreditations & Certificates


Social Enterprise Accreditation by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship Development and Corporation.  Procedures and conditions applicable by Social Enterprises to get approval under Subsection 44(11C) of the Income Tax Act 1967 for cash donations made to Social Enterprises to claim tax deductions as announced in Budget 2019.

Program Perolehan Impak Sosial Kerajaan (PPISK)

Approved PPISK applicant by The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. KTJ has been onboarded to the national Eprocurement system, i.e. EPerolehan, as registered vendors for the Government of Malaysia for procurement opportunities.

SE with MaGIC

Social Enterprise Accreditation by Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC). A status of social enterprises in Malaysia and encourage social entrepreneurs to expand their markets and start exploring business opportunities with the public and private sector.


KTJ has been onboarded into the www.buyforimpact.co website, powered by MaGIC. This initiative by the government is aimed to boost the growth of social enterprises in Malaysia by supporting their innovation and job-creation roles.

“When you find purpose and reason for the big why then work would not be work. Furthermore, when the work you do impacts others – your purpose is strengthened."

Yap Sue Yii Co-founder